Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At Our Saviour's, we are dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commision. This congregation does not exist to service its own purposes, but rather, we are about the business of establishing God's kingdom "on earth as it is in heaven."
OSLC has it's own outreach ministries, and we also partner with other programs in our community.
OSLC has it's own outreach ministries, and we also partner with other programs in our community.

Donations Accepted
Mondays & Wednesdays
1 - 5 PM
Please select "Caring Place" in drop-down menu
Clients served
Tuesdays and Thursdays
1 - 4:40 PM

Free Meals served
OSLC is the host church for the weekly free community dinner provided by 10 area churches. Each week on Thursdays, members of a local church come to our kitchen and prepare a delicious, nutritious meal that is served to anyone who comes through our doors from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
All are welcome.
This ministry was formed by the local church youth council in June of 2006 and has continued here since that time.
If you have questions, please contact the church office.
All are welcome.
This ministry was formed by the local church youth council in June of 2006 and has continued here since that time.
If you have questions, please contact the church office.

Lutheran World Relief (LWR) works with the Quilt and Mission Ministry. LWR is a nonprofit organization that helps families in the World’s poorest communities build the resilience they need to thrive.
LWR is OSLC’s world-wide mission and the emphasis for several groups within our church. Groups collect and assemble items for a certain focus.
LWR is OSLC’s world-wide mission and the emphasis for several groups within our church. Groups collect and assemble items for a certain focus.
School Kits – mean the difference between getting an education or not. School is free but supplies are required to attend.
Baby Care Kits – are distributed as emergency relief efforts
and to encourage women to seek prenatal care.
Health Care Kits – are often given to people who have lost everything
from disaster to violence.
Quilts – to shield against cold and rain, provide warm bedding, tents
or a wrap to hold a baby on a mother's back.
Baby Care Kits – are distributed as emergency relief efforts
and to encourage women to seek prenatal care.
Health Care Kits – are often given to people who have lost everything
from disaster to violence.
Quilts – to shield against cold and rain, provide warm bedding, tents
or a wrap to hold a baby on a mother's back.
The quilting group meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 9 am – 2 pm in the Cascade room. Coffee is provided. Bring a sack lunch.
No experience needed. All are welcome!
Questions? Contact church office.
No experience needed. All are welcome!
Questions? Contact church office.
What is Stephen Ministry?
Stephen Ministries is a Christian program sponsored by many denominations in the USA and around the world. It is a means of assisting the clergy and staff in the ongoing needs of their congregations. We are all broken people in need of God's healing, comfort and grace. OSLC has twenty Stephen Ministers who are trained to offer one-to-one confidential Christian care to people going through tough times.
To receive care from a trained Stephen Minister, please complete this form:
boscovet Project
Our Mission
The Bosongo Community and Veterinary Agri-Project, AKA Boscovet Project, was established in 2008 by 5 local Kenyans from the Kisii area to help bring small farmers in western Kenya together in order to share ideas, support one another, and learn new ideas, Their goal was to lift themselves out of the cycle of poverty that they had been stuck in for many generations. This is a Christian organization that has grown from the original 25 members to now over 300 and has spread from the original chapter in the village of Menyinkwa to 7 chapters in four villages. The Boscovet Project was recognized in 2016 by the Kenyan government as a valuable contributor to the health and financial improvement of its members.
The original goal was to focus on improving the health and nutrition of the cows, goats and chickens that the farmers owned. Maintaining the health of their animals is still a prime objective of the Boscovet Project. However, during the first mission trip there in January 2009 it was immediately obvious that access to clean water was major impediment to the escape from poverty. So in 2009 Our Saviour's Lutheran Church hosted the first Streams of Mercy benefit dinner. Over $10,000 was raised and 4 new wells and 10 latrines were placed in the area surrounding Menyinkwa. To date, through December 2023, 60 wells have been placed in 5 small villages outside of Kisii, Kenya - Masongo, Gesure, Otombe, and Menyinkwa. These wells serve not only the Boscovet families but all the families within walking distance - over 3000 people now have access to safe drinking water.
The original goal was to focus on improving the health and nutrition of the cows, goats and chickens that the farmers owned. Maintaining the health of their animals is still a prime objective of the Boscovet Project. However, during the first mission trip there in January 2009 it was immediately obvious that access to clean water was major impediment to the escape from poverty. So in 2009 Our Saviour's Lutheran Church hosted the first Streams of Mercy benefit dinner. Over $10,000 was raised and 4 new wells and 10 latrines were placed in the area surrounding Menyinkwa. To date, through December 2023, 60 wells have been placed in 5 small villages outside of Kisii, Kenya - Masongo, Gesure, Otombe, and Menyinkwa. These wells serve not only the Boscovet families but all the families within walking distance - over 3000 people now have access to safe drinking water.
Our Why:
Empowering those who live in poverty to live with HOPE.
More Info:
In addition to animal health and clean water, several other constraints to the success of these people were recognized as future mission teams continued the original work that began in 2009. So over the years the Project has expanded. A non profit 501(c)3 corporation was established in 2012 to aid in the fundraising effort. This enabled the Boscovet Project to expand into several other sorely needed and valuable initiatives. To date this includes:
- Agricultural training scholarships
- Improved and new vegetable seeds
- Establishment of a micro-finance and savings program
- Purchase of land and construction of a school for elementary children Boscovet Hope Academy
- Currently there are 400 students and 15 teachers, a headmaster, and 4 support staff.
-Sutdents receive 2 free meals per day while in attendance
- Founding of a church.
- Days for Girls - education and feminine hygiene kits for young teenage girls.
- Investment in 3000 avocado trees and soybean plants
-Fish farming - a soon to be launched tilapia raising operation using large tanks
- Agricultural training scholarships
- Improved and new vegetable seeds
- Establishment of a micro-finance and savings program
- Purchase of land and construction of a school for elementary children Boscovet Hope Academy
- Currently there are 400 students and 15 teachers, a headmaster, and 4 support staff.
-Sutdents receive 2 free meals per day while in attendance
- Founding of a church.
- Days for Girls - education and feminine hygiene kits for young teenage girls.
- Investment in 3000 avocado trees and soybean plants
-Fish farming - a soon to be launched tilapia raising operation using large tanks
Visit the Boscovet website.
Contact Dan Haskins.
(Teams visit Kenya in January and sometimes in the summer.)
Contact Dan Haskins.
(Teams visit Kenya in January and sometimes in the summer.)